Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My President Sold Crack

What a beautifully blunt remix of Young Jeezy's My President Is Black. The song entails BK Cyph laying into Ronald Reagan, and other recent American leaders, for about 4 minutes as he points out the ludicrous nature of the whole Iran-Contra affair coupled with the war on drugs. If you don't know about this the Reagan administration took money it made from selling arms to Iran and put it into funding an anti-communist group in Nicaragua, who made the rest of their money from drug trafficing, and you can guess where a good portion of those drugs went as the crack epidemic was exploding in America. During Reagan's hellish two terms he managed to simultaneously fund the drug trade with his actions, yet at the same time vilified drug dealers in the ghetto and made them the source of all America's problems with the War on Drugs. And people still wonder why we lost the war on drugs. And people still look up to Ronald Reagan! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thx for the support on that song dude. And that was the most intellegent post I've read in a minute.

I apperciate the love!