Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Double O (Kidz in the Hall) Assaulted

I usually wouldn't post something like this but DAMN! Kidz in the Hall performed a show in Tempe, AZ a while ago and following the show Naledge was arrested for trying to interfere with a police investigation regarding a fight at the club. Double O meanwhile, was busy getting beat down by what looks like a gang, but the back of their shirts read security. Here's the video. 

Of course the news story that proceeded this one in the AZ Central was titled 'Hip Hop Artist Arrested at Tempe Club'. It also states that Double O was not hospitalized when in fact he was hospitalized and had a plate placed in his eye socket from the laceration he was given by security. The comments on that news article are too much by the way. Some racist shit. 

It should also be noted that Kidz in the Hall met at  an IVY LEAGUE College (UPenn). It's not like these guys are gangster rappers or anything like that. They were probably the smartest people in the club that night. 

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