Friday, January 16, 2009


The movie Notorious was released today, and I had been listening to copious amounts of the great King of NYC to prepare for the occasion. However, as I went to start my car earlier today, I learned the sub-0 temperatures we have been enjoying here in Michigan had made my car battery as dead as the Pistons in Oklahoma City tonight. (Get rid of small ball, it's not working). Anyways, the night that was supposed to be me watching a Hollywood movie about a hip-hop legend has resulted in me drinking 24 oz. High Life and listening to the Notorious soundtrack. 

Despite my disappointment in my car battery, this soundtrack is quite good as it compiles some rarer tracks with some of Biggies hits. I'll also put up Biggies unsigned hype demo that was made before he was signed after he was featured in Vibe. If your car is working, go check out Notorious!

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