Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fuck the Police

I don't know how many of you have heard about this awful situation involving a young man named Oscar Grant in Oakland, but it makes the classic N.W.A. song very relevant. At a BART station in Oakland, a guy recorded the tragic shooting of a young, and unarmed, 22 year old by BART police on New Years Eve with there cell phone. Here it is. 

The shooting is bad enough as 3 policemen surround an already subdued Oscar Grant and with his face on the pavement shoot and kill him. But now I  am hearing various reasons why the police officer would commit murder like this and one is that he confused his gun for a taser, which is complete BS as he clearly steps back and shoots. Sure Oscar Grant was most likely less than a saint and from what I have read he was less than perfect. But nothing he had ever done justified what happened to him. 

When I think of incredibly sad situations like this, I in general think of 'Mad World' by Gary Jules. Therefore, it is only fitting that Novel gives a cover of the track in tribute to Oscar Grant. 

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