Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Playoff Time!

In Detroit, April is by far the greatest sports month. The Pistons and Red Wings start their playoff runs and the Tigers begin their 162 game season. Not being a big hockey fan, my attention is generally turned to Tigers baseball and the Pistons playoff run. While good old FSN Detroit always tries to capture the excitement of Detroit sports in the month of April with their yearly 'April In The D' song contest, these songs always come up extremely short, which isn't much of a surprise. Last year's song was a hard rock song that featured a lead singer that was far too similar to Mystery from the unstoppable reality show 'The Pick-Up Artist'.

While last years April in the D song was a pop-metal romp with brilliant lyrics describing Detroit as a place where 'the boys are hard and the girls are pretty' this years song is equally as disappointing as FSN Detroit went with a softer indie rock snoozer. If you can watch all 2:37 of this I commend you. If you stick around a little bit, you will see one of the brief moments in which Allen Iverson is actually playing in a Pistons uniform. What a surprise, he seems to be dribbling around with no intention of ever passing the ball

At this point I obviously need  somewhere else to turn to for my April themed sports excitement. Luckily, the NBA is great at marketing and usually comes up with something awesome for the playoff time. Usually, there is some disappointing playoff commercial that markets some Hollywood action movie, but this year Kanye West's 'Amazing' is played over various highlights from playoffs past. While my Pistons find themselves in uncharted territory coming in at the 8th seed, if they can beat the Cavs in the first round there season is a success. Either way, it looks like their streak of playoff runs to the Eastern Conference finals is over. Doesn't matter, Lakers win it all this year and Kobe gets his Shaq-less championship. 


maggotronix said...

april has been a great time for detroit sports during our young lifetimes, even if we aren't the biggest hockey fans. it was tight watching the wings when i was younger during the avalanche rivalry days. life gets too complicated to pay that kind of attention to 3-4 different sport and still have other interests.

maggotronix said...

that video is a lot better than the past action movie montage dreck