Friday, February 6, 2009

Mos Def

Mos Def and I have a love/hate relationship. Black On Both Sides was crazy, maybe even a classic depending on who you ask. The first track 'Brooklyn' grabbed you with it's laid black production, but Mos Def goes at the beat aggressively and makes it work as he flows well with it. 'Hip Hop' is still a banger, and there are many gems at the end of the album that still surprise me. All of this, and I haven't even mentioned Black Star. 

But let's be honest, The New Danger was weak, except for a few choice tracks, and don't even get me started on True Magic which takes a nosedive after its exceptional introductory track. 

Even with Mos Def's successes and failures, I still keep faith in him. Which is why I've been getting ready for his next album, set to release February 24th titled The Ecstatic. Despite these few tracks, I don't know what to expect from Mos Def and I am tempering my expectations as to avoid the disappointment I felt with True Magic. Here are a couple tracks. 

It took me a while to come around on this one, but I have.

1 comment:

JRock said...

Hahahaha, you wrote "laid black."